Friday, February 26, 2021

His Love Swung Low by Kelli J Gavin

His heart was meant for mine

It found me not a moment too soon

Searched for me- never giving up

Each wrong turn- always rerouting

His love swung low

Gathering me up

Leaving nothing behind

Broken pieces and busted edges

Acknowledging my need to heal

Even if my heart aimed in other directions

His heart remained present

Constant and sure

Confident and knowing

I would return for his love that swung so low

Mended over time

I have always been thankful 

For his heart was meant for mine

Kelli J Gavin lives in Carver, Minnesota with Josh, her husband of an obscene amount of years and they have two crazy kids. She is a Writer, Professional Organizer and owns Home & Life Organization and a small Jewelry Company.  Look for Kelli’s first book of short stories and poems in 2019. You can find her work with The Ugly Writers, Sweatpants & Coffee, Writing In a Woman’s Voice, The Writers Newsletter,  Writers Unite!, Academy of the Heart and Mind, The Rye Whiskey Review, Spillwords, Mercurial Stories, 121 Words, HerStry, Ariel Chart, The Basil O’Flaherty, PPP Ezine, Southwest Media, Otherwise Engaged, Pleather Skin, Paper.Li, The New Ink Review, among others.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
Find Kelli on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @KelliJGavin
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