Saturday, February 20, 2021

trying to write by Scott Ferry

and my 1-year-old son grips my leg
and slams the keyboard with a wet lego 
i push his hands off but 
0 ; ;’’ 
so i throw another lego which he follows
but he shuffles back in milliseconds
pulling my arm hairs with a clammy palm
so i set the computer down
lift him cradle his downy head
until he kicks fishbodied 
back to the floor

after many hours of fathering 
i hide in my daughter’s room with a whiskey sour
and try to write again after i stare at the wall 
and the starry night reproduction with its oblong 
mauve swirls and nothing comes except
“fathers don’t have the luxury to be depressed”
my daughter comes in and demands that i read to her
like i normally do and i plan to just read 
the standard one chapter but it is the end of the book
and the mist-demon-blood-moon-goddess 
squelches the fire magic of our hero
until the golden time rope can be lassoed 
around her to send her into a timecage
three-and-a-half chapters later

i retreat to the living room with my laptop
and my wife greets me and we speak about interviews
new schools annoying neighbors pumpkin mochi which
gave everyone diarrhea and then she wants to show me
Instagram videos of sassy nurses in drag pretending
to be Kim Kardashian, ICU nurse
which i sadly laugh at
and succumb to writing this
real stretch of time with my actual family
outside of this cage of 

Scott Ferry helps our Veterans heal as a RN. He has recent work in the American Journal of Poetry, Misfit, and Spillway. His second book, Mr. Rogers kills fruit flies, is available from Main St. Rag. You can find more of his work @

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