Thursday, March 4, 2021

The empty house by Sunil Sharma

It is an empty shell
a house in bereavement

a presence
full of vitality
and joie-de-vivre


An orphaned memory
roams around

searches for its legit owner
in a room, now bare as a closed
bar, on a cold wintry night.

Sunil Sharma, Ph.D (English), is a senior academic, critic, literary editor and author with 22 published books: Seven collections of poetry; three of short fiction; one novel; a critical study of the novel, and, nine joint anthologies on prose, poetry and criticism, and, one joint poetry collection. He is, among others, a recipient of the UK-based Destiny Poets’ inaugural Poet of the Year award---2012. His poems were published in the prestigious UN project: Happiness: The Delight-Tree: An Anthology of Contemporary International Poetry, in the year 2015.

Sunil edits the English section of the monthly bilingual journal Setu published from Pittsburgh, USA:
 For more details, please visit the link:

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