Friday, April 2, 2021

Safety of Dreams by S. A. Gerber

Reading yesterday’s paper 
by moonlight reflected 
off the sand. 
Keeping warm with an 
old awning from a der- 
elect building, and a pint 
of third-rate whiskey. 
Warm breath and cold 
ocean mist, mixed with 
cigarette smoke, make 
for thick close clouds. 
Left over ‘Chinese’ from 
a cool couple dinning on a  
beach-front bench, made for  
this nights repast. 
The waves crash closer 
and the stars, 
growing out of focus, 
are burning brighter. 
The echo of high tide coming 
with the wind off the water.  
Two more hits  off the bottle… 
and slip silently into 
the safety of dreams. 

S. A. Gerber is a native and resident again of Los Angeles, CA. after having spent  twenty-four years in a neighboring “city of sin” in the Silver State of Nevada. 

His work has appeared in such diverse publications as Desert Voices Magazine… 
Subtopian Magazine…Talking Sidewalks… Mad Swirl, (where he is a “contributing 

Poet”)… Sediment Literary and Arts Journal… Poetica Magazine… Black Heart Magazine… The Blue Collar Review…Los Angeles Review of Los Angeles… The Linden Avenue Literary Journal…The Poet’s Haven…Stray Light Literary Magazine… Literature in Los Angeles Magazine… Opiate Magazine… Pacific Poetry… Neologism Poetry Journal…The Lyric…Free Venice Beachhead… The Shot Glass Journal…,Dove Tales-“Empathy in Art: Embracing the Other”, Writing for Peace, International Journal of the Arts, and Alien Buddha Press-Holiday Anthology-2020. 

He is also a member of the Los Angeles Poet’s Society, (where his work can be found “Spotlighted” on their website). 

His three (3) volumes of poetry, Under the Radar, Inventory, and Old School Rhyme can all be obtained on Barnes & Noble and, as well as Beyond Baroque Bookstore in Venice, Ca. The Amber Unicorn in Las Vegas, NV. The Book Monster in Santa Monica, Ca. , The Book Jewel in Westchester, Ca. and  City Lights Bookstore, San Francisco, Ca. 


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