Monday, May 3, 2021

Captains of the ship by Mike Zone

(contributions from S.A. Gerber & Roz Washington)

Ferlinghetti is dead
So I drink
And Captain Kirk is tragically in love 
as always…
the lights at Columbus will burn a little dimmer this night
acting like an animal on his starship with lustful gazes and the proud smirk of wanton conquests
James T. Kirk is in love
with the mad daughter of Kodos
THE KODOS who enacted mass genocide
she’s mad to murder to protect her father
she’s someone Jack would’ve loved
Kerouac, my first real literary sensei
words like electric liquid finely painted with needles
drowned by wine and esophageal hemorrhaging 
I saw him in a dream once
sitting across me, he slid over a cup of coffee
black and white
only blue eyes standing out
an understanding look
his mom making us breakfast
Tiger at my feet
Jean Luc Picard would have none of these goings-on 
 on his ship
nor would he have any of these cats
human or otherwise
well, maybe Lawrence…
they’d probably get along
until that android Data would ruin everything
acting like Neal
a subtle phantom vision of Cody
in the noble yet atypical quest for emotion
as logic as Spock
my emotions are drowning my thoughts
I’ll have a double, please…

Mike Zone is the author of A Farewell to Big Ideas, Void Beneath the Skin, Better than the Movie: 4 Screenplays and Fellow Passengers: Public Transit Poetry, Meditations and Musings. A contributing poet to Mad Swirl and contributing writer to the graphic novel series American Anti-hero by Alien Buddha Press. His poetry and stories have appeared in: Horror Sleaze Trash, The Daily Dope Fiend, Outlaw Poetry, The Rye Whiskey Review, Synchronized Chaos and Triadæ Magazine

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