Monday, May 10, 2021

loitering in the square by jck hnry

they begin to arrive just after dawn 
drifters or transients, 
or hippies as the tourist ads announce. 
a young man with brown eyes and  
long stringy hair walks up and asks, 
hey man? you seen my old lady? 
i laugh, no one says old lady, and point 
up to the window of my hotel 
room at the Hotel Arcata. 
so she’s your old lady now? 
i start to speak but stop, 
turn toward the hotel 
yet my feet cannot move. 
Tammy emerges from 
the front door, fresh and clean, 
full of life, a life my mind cannot 
she runs up, kisses me hard on the mouth, 
says, thanks man, runs up to the kid  
with brown eyes and stringy hair, 
says, hey where you been

jck hnry is a writer/publisher/editor, based in southeastern california.  recent publications include:  Deuce Coupe, Rye Whiskey Review, Razur Cuts, Cajun Mutt, Dissident Voices, Horror Sleaze Trash, Bold Monkey, Red Fez, dope fiend daily and a bunch of other noble zines and journals.  Books include:  “With the Patience of Monuments (neoPoesis) ,” “Crunked, (Epic Rites)” and the upcoming "Driving w/Crazy (Punk Hostage Press, 2020).”  hnry is also editor and publisher of Heroin Love Songs and 1870. for more go to



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