Monday, June 14, 2021

A Night In Ketchum by Jake St. John

I was drunk 
out of my mind 
and found 
Hemingway's grave

In a stupor 
I'd stumbled 
the street
and visited every bar 
still operating 
that he drank in.

In one joint
I pulled up 
a stool
a cocktail
traveled back 
to 1952
neon lights 
mixed drinks 
I never had. 

Then I crossed
The street
and drank beer
with a retired couple
from Massachusetts 
we watched
the Sox game 
at Whiskey Jacques
my namesake
my birth certificate lists 
Jacques St. John 
as my legal name.

I decided
then and there
that I'd drink 
a rum and coke 
with Papa

No guns though
that's where 
I'd draw the line.

Jake St. John spends nights in a fort on the edge of the woods.  He is the author of several collections of poetry including Snow Moon (Holy & Intoxicated Publications, 2019), Lost City Highway (A Jabber Publication, 2019) and Working Man’s Odyssey (Analog Submission Press, 2018). His poems have appeared in print and online journals around the world.

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