Wednesday, August 18, 2021

fantasy beyond reality by jck hnry

 Tammy and i sit 
in the back of an old Ford Econoline 
watching the sun 
dip below a far horizon, 
the Pacific roils 
upon the shore, 
and the night air 
begins to sing. 
her belly thickens 
with someone’s 
child, it can’t be mine, 
i no longer possess that skill. 
sleep comes fitfully, 
my shoulder cloying 
and cramped. 
dreams into nightmares. 
i wake in the chill of 
my hotel room 
at the Hotel Arcata. 
it’s already Thursday 
and my flight leaves 
at 6 am. 

jck hnry is a writer/publisher/editor, based in southeastern california.  recent publications include:  Deuce Coupe, Rye Whiskey Review, Razur Cuts, Cajun Mutt, Dissident Voices, Horror Sleaze Trash, Bold Monkey, Red Fez, dope fiend daily and a bunch of other noble zines and journals.  Books include:  “With the Patience of Monuments (neoPoesis) ,” “Crunked, (Epic Rites)” and the upcoming "Driving w/Crazy (Punk Hostage Press, 2020).”  hnry is also editor and publisher of Heroin Love Songs and 1870. for more go to



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