Saturday, August 28, 2021

The Void by Linnet Phoenix

Yes, I would miss you.
Like stood staring up
at the clear night sky
confused, wondering why
Venus had vanished
stage left. Stepped out
the galaxy for a smoke,
broken down in darkness,
made for the Milky Way.
Lost in a late super nova,
slipped over the corona
of a black hell rim hole.

Linnet Phoenix is a poet who currently resides in North Somerset, England. She has been writing poetry for years. Her work has previously been published in Heroin Love Songs, Punk Noir Magazine, ImpSpired Magazine and others. With poems in the upcoming Spring 2021 edition of Poetica Review. She also enjoys horse-riding in rainstorms.

1 comment:

  1. Great work, Linnet.
    Missing someone like you miss celestial beauty.
    That must be fucking rough.


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