Saturday, November 20, 2021

Sharing The Moon By Mihaela Melnic


You told me that wine soothes the pain,
you said, let's sit on the sidewalk and kiss the obscure lips of this recycled PET.

You hit the bottom with your thirsty throat and then you told me things like:
a motorbike ride will bring you happiness
or at least a smile.

I sipped in silence, all ears.

You choked on the word tattoo in saying that it scars the skin less than a missed caress marks the soul.

You spat and coughed, and maybe you were right about a lot of things.

You left. I remained in place. I was already at home
and from my castle in the air I recalled the glimpse of a wink between you and the moon
and jealously wondered if she also lies over you
the way she lies over me.

In serene nights she soothes more then wine,
you once told me,
but damn it, how cold she is with her fleshless hugs. 

Mihaela Melnic lives and writes in Rome, Italy, where her prose and poetry evolve and take different shapes with every new life experience. Her latest book, Evermore, written in co-authorship, was released earlier this year through 17Numa press.

1 comment:

  1. Thankfully Mihaela does not betray us like the moon did the other night when it retired, if only for a while. I love the language of Sharing the Moon and it presents a stark and cold presence (to me). I cannot argue with the quality of hugs in my lifetime, and thank Mihaela for knowing the plots of sadness and joy.


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