Thursday, May 26, 2022

JOAN OF WALMART by R.M. Engelhardt

Joan of Arc
Joan of Arc
She heard a voice
In the dark
Cut her hair
Like a gentleman fair
& Picked up a sword
On Etsy

Joan of Arc
Joan of Arc
She heard a voice
In the dark

Attacked a
Man in the park
Who was speaking at a Neo -
Nazi demonstration
And so now they
Have her on medication
And she works
For a corporation
Called Walmart
Where she
Stocks the shelves
In the candles section
For $13 dollars an hour
And all the voices tell her

“Good Job"

R.M. Engelhardt writes, lives & breathes in Albany, NY. He is the founder of Dead Man's Press Ink (1998), a small indie poetry publishing firm & is the original founder of the literary community group Albany Poets. Over the last 25 or so years his work has appeared in dozens of small press journals, anthologies & zines  worldwide and he is the author of roughly 16 books of poetry, such as " DarkLands" ( 2019 Whiskey City Press) "The Resurrection Waltz "(Infinity Press 2012) & "The Last Cigarette, The Collected Poems of R.M. Engelhardt" (Dead Man's Press Ink 2007) .  He currently hosts the open mic for poets "INVOCATION OF THE MUSE"  At Lark Hall and is also a supporter of experimental & Pagan poetry as well. 
His new book, " Of Spirit, Ash & Bone Poems*Parables" ( Dead Man's Press Ink) comes out and makes it's appearance in 2022.

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