Friday, August 5, 2022

Days by David Painter

It makes no difference as I unscrewed the cap.
It could be Monday for all I care
I watched the amber liquid fall
and kiss the ice in the bottom of the glass
clacking some with its sudden warmth.
Looking down I thought is two fingers enough?
My mind shot back the answer as I
continued to pour.

It is early morning, but already it’s hot.
Most days start like this,
even the sun makes a beeline for the ice
no drought to cool itself off.
I pour another hoping that
this one will last longer.
The mailman drops off the mail
a few read, past due, then he
melts into the heat of the day.

Sitting on the front porch even the
occasional breeze is warm.
I pour another just to cool off.
So. it goes most days,
the sun eating my ice
and me trying to stay ahead of it.

David Painter is a Northeast Ohio poet and photographer. His aim is to capture his point of view on the world through nature, culture, architecture and history.

Dave’s love for photography began in the 1970s with the purchase of his firstMinolta SLR camera.Through his keen eye, Dave became a member of the Cleveland Photographic Society and the Chagrin Valley Photography Guild.For the last decade, Dave has added poetry to his creative repertoire. Expanding his interests to the human condition, fiction and history; his favorite era being the Civil War. Much of Dave’s poetry is inspired by his photography; the perfect marriage of his two passions.

Dave is a member of many poetry groups including Allegory Alley, Scribbles Writing Organization, Poems and Unpoems, Writers Writing Poems and Out of Your Write Mind. Additionally, he is active in The Pixel Photography Club and the local historical society.

Dave was born and raised in Charleston, W.V. but has made the Greater Cleveland area his home for the past fifty years. He is married with two kids.


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