Saturday, October 22, 2022

Success Doesn't Grow On Trees  By Jake St. John

doesn't grow
on trees

it bleeds 
in back alleys 
it's drunk
on bar stools

it's taking
two punches
to give one 

it's howling
at the moon

it's standing 
back up
when you know
you're getting
knocked back


Jake St. John lives in the woods on the edge of the Salmon River. He is the author of several collections of poetry including Ring of Fog (Holy and Intoxicated Publications, 2022), Night Full of Diamonds (Whiskey City Press, 2021), and Lost City Highway (A Jabber Publication, 2019). He is the editor of Elephant and is considered an original member of the New London School of poetry. His poems have appeared in print and online journals around the world

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