Saturday, November 12, 2022

a list by Gabriel Bates

it's the caffeine,
the nicotine,
the early mornings
and late nights.

it's the bad knee that slips
and the lower back that aches.

it's the stained work jeans
and the old steel-toes.

it's that co-worker
who acts like the boss
and that boss
who acts like God.

it's the daily chores
and screaming kids.

it's the same argument,
over and over again.

it's the question
of what's for dinner tonight,
and who's making it?

it's the lack of free time
and silence,
the abundance of to-do lists
and bills to pay.

it's the dreams
that were forgotten about
and the nightmares
that came to life.
it's all just a part
of the American way.
Gabriel Bates is a poet living in Tiffin, Ohio. His work has appeared in several publications, online and in print. Keep up with him at

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