Wednesday, November 9, 2022

In Metamorphosis, I Am Fluid by Skaja Evens

 Held together with washi tape
And whispered prayers to the Universe
Heart spackled with hope unrelenting
Even on the days I’m ready to give in
I keep showing up in case of a miracle.

I’m in a place of flux, each foot in a different place
Can’t feed the future and the past
And expect to stay whole
Inked reminders of who I am and want to be
I’m in direct conflict with societal expectations

A life of constant obstacles
Cognitive dissonance

I’m not sorry I disappoint you
Your expectations aren’t mine to carry
Skaja Evens is a writer and artist living in Southeast Virginia. She runs It Takes All Kinds, a litzine published by Mōtus Audāx Press. She’s also been published with Spillwords Press and The Dope Fiend Daily. She can often be found listening to music, considering the impossible, and enjoying her cats’ antics.

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