Sunday, May 28, 2023

SUBWAY By Wayne F. Burke

I told the guy making my sandwich
not to ask me any more questions
and he said "will that be all?"
I said "ring it up so I can get out
of here." He said "excuse me?"
I said "you heard me, I don't
stutter." He said "I am just asking
questions." I said "no you're not
you're harassing me." He said
"take your change and leave!"
I said "thanks asshole" and
I walked to the door. He said
"have a good day!" I said "fuck you!"
He waved.

Wayne F. Burke's poetry and prose has been widely published in print and online (including in THE RYE WHISKEY REVIEW). He was nominated for a Pushcart by THE DOPE FIEND DAILY in 2022. He lives in Vermont (USA).

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