Friday, July 14, 2023

Serve Them Straight Rye Whiskey or Saving Dollars Through Subterfuge By GC Smith

Been around for awhile
that good rye whiskey
canal diggers swilled it
steel workers slaked thirsts

Been around for a while
Farmers hid it in hayracks
City boys hid it in closets
Wives found it and sipped

Been around for a while
Union soldiers took it afield
Johnny Reb eschewed it
The Yankees had it right

Been around for a while
Pennsylvania straight rye whiskey
served to us at eighty-six proof
more recently a whoppin’ hundred

Old Overholt’s been around a while
serve small shots to cheapskates
the crisp strong rye whiskey taste
hides the amount, seems like it’s lots

GC Smith is an award winning ( 1.Writer's Digest and 2,University of Maine --The Binnacle) writer.  He writes novels, short stories, flash fiction, and poetry.

Smith's short story and poetic work can be found in many publications: Gator Springs Gazette, F F Magazine, Iguanaland, Dead Mule School of Southern Literature, Naked Humorists, The GLUT, Flask Fiction Magazine, N.O.L.A. Spleen, NFG Magazine, Cellar Door, The Beat, Dispatches Magazine, Beaufort Gazette, Coyote's Den, Lamoille Lamentations, Quiction, The Landing, The Haunted Poet, Flavor a Deux, The Binnacle (University of Maine), Stymie Magazine, Bannock Street Books, Fried Chicken and Coffee, Write to Meow --Grey Wolfe, Publishing, Fiction Southeast and elsewhere. 

Smith has six self published novels written while honing craft, WHITE LIGHTNING --Murder In the World of Stock Car Racing, THE CARBON STEEL CARESS; A Johnny Donal P.I. novel, IN GOOD FAITH; A Johnny Donal P.I. Novel, MUDBUG TALES, A Novel In Flashes, wit' recipes, TO LIVE AND DIE IN DIXIE (a sequel to WHITE LIGHTNING), and THE CATS; AN Unauthorized Biography. Smith also has: A SOUTHERN BOY'S MEANDERINGS, a poetry chapbook, ANTHRACITE COAL COUNTRY, A Bygone Era In Poetry and Prose, COLLECTED POETRY, in three volumes, and REDNECKS AND HARDCASES, a book of short stories.

Smith lives in Aiken, South Carolina, where he writes, reads, plays golf, builds furniture and other stuff, and works on boat and automobile motors and other parts. He also cooks yummy things, often with a redneck or Cajun flair.

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