Sunday, July 23, 2023

Special Occasion by Todd Cirillo

My birthday has arrived again,
cards and packages
received in the mail,
calls and texts
from close and far,
social media messages
from friends and people 
I don’t know and will never meet.
There will be no cake
because I don’t like cake,
but there will be something
with a candle in it
because I like candles
but cannot even stand 
to watch those go out anymore.
I prefer long days to the long nights
that send another day into the past.
I don’t like to see the end of anything.
Perhaps, I’ve reached that point
where calendars are the enemy
and I purposefully do not wear a watch.

Today, everyone wants to know 
which once-a-year something 
I will do, just because,
“It’s your birthday today!”
“It is your special day!”
The one day you get a fancy expensive dinner, 
cheat on your diet with decadent dessert,
do absolutely no chores,
maybe co-workers put up a banner in the break room,
or your partner puts on a sexy outfit,
one that slips off easily,
maybe gives you a teasing dance,
and if a candle wish comes true,
a birthday blowjob or birthday sex.

I do not need those extras today.

For the first time 
in a long time
I am not waking up alone
on this birthday morning
and that is a gift.
So, in looking to the day ahead,
I’ll choose to take it easy,
move like the Mississippi River,
go where the currents take me,
get some Vietnamese food,
do the dishes,
float in the pool,
go down to the French Quarter,
find live music just right for the moment,
order my same drinks
and, I suppose
if some extras were offered
I will accept
it is,
after all,

Todd Cirillo was born of bastard lineage. He has many books and misdemeanors. His books include; Sucker’s Paradise, Burning the Evidence, ROXY, Three For the Road etc. His latest book is, Kisses From A Straight Razor (Epic Rites Press, 2020). Todd is co-founder and editor of Six Ft. Swells Press. His poems have appeared in numerous national and international literary journals, magazines and on cocktail napkins everywhere. Todd lives in New Orleans, Louisiana where he seeks out shiny moments and strange wisdom. He can be found at

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