Monday, July 10, 2023

stealing kisses with your imagination by J.J. Campbell

the fading noise from a wind 
chime in a passing cool breeze

these are the nights you swear 
you can see the moon starting 
to sweat

time bleeds through each of the pages

all comedy comes from tragedy

stealing kisses with your imagination
yet again

a stunning blonde stops you dead 
in your tracks

the words get trampled by a rush 
of blood to the only working brain

sure, you notice the wedding ring 
but you are too old now to give any 
shits about morals or standards

it’s an old guitar and a bottle 
of bourbon

string the right chords together 
and the demons will come out 
to play

every blue moon

you can still see a little reckless 
abandon not wasted on someone 

J.J. Campbell was raised by wolves yet managed to graduate high school with honors. He's been widely published over the years, most recently at Misfit Magazine, just good poems, Synchronized Chaos, The Beatnik Cowboy and Horror Sleaze Trash. You can find him most days on his mildly entertaining blog, evil delights. (

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