Friday, October 27, 2023

If You Get Well What Will Keep You Up At Night by Jake St. John & Jenn Knickerbocker

If you get well
what will keep you 
up at night
maybe the thought
of you 
maybe my hand
upon your cheek
by the lack
of tears
like the drought
that has consumed me
I'll bring you water
I'll quench your thirst 
let us become one
in this moment 
and swallow life 
in great gulps
as I sit beside 
your bed 
and think 
to younger days
when nights 
were longer 
and mornings
were bright
and Death
was not 
staring me 

Jake St. John spends his nights in a cabin on the edge of the woods. He is the author of several collections of poetry including Night Full of Diamonds (Whiskey City Press, 2021), Snow Moon (Holy & Intoxicated Publications, 2019) and Lost City Highway (A Jabber Publication, 2019). His poems have appeared in print and online journals around the world. 

Jenn Knickerbocker is a writer, a mother, and a teacher. You can find her on a forest path or sitting fireside during her free time.

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