Monday, January 8, 2024

Fifteen By Wayne F. Burke

I stepped up to the bar
with a borrowed draft card
from a neighbor
and showed the card
to the bartender who
glanced at it
then at me
as I stood on tiptoes
because I was supposed to be
five foot eleven but
only five foot seven
the bartender did not notice
or else not care
he served me a glass of beer
cost 15-cents
on a dollar I could get drunk
and did
whenever we went "over the line" from
Massachusetts, where I lived--and
the drinking age 21--into New York (18)
down dark winding drunken roads that
each year
claimed one of two of us
but never me, and
I wonder why:
because I was lucky; because
someone or thing looking-out for
me; because the stars & planets
aligned in my favor, or

Wayne F. Burke's poetry and prose has been widely published in print and online (including in THE RYE WHISKEY REVIEW). He was nominated for a Pushcart by THE DOPE FIEND DAILY in 2022. He lives in Vermont (USA).

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