Saturday, March 16, 2024

DRUNK CHILDISH BABY By Bradford Middleton

I sit here knowing what I want

But in a slight predicament as to how

To get there; you see, this morning

I went out to buy a new pair of trainers

Just something to knock about it when
Not at work.  I went in several places, 

Left empty-handed after finding nothing.

Worst of all after visiting all these damn

Places I found myself outside a bookshop

Walked in, up the stairs and found

A beautiful childish poetry book that I

Had to get leaving me with no money

For those new trainers and now no

Way to get to the pub unless I wear

My ‘shop shoes’ as there is no other

Alternative.  My trainers are falling

To pieces and the clouds outside

Suggest it may rain sometime soon 

Knowing my luck before I get to come home

Nicely drunk and ready to sleep a good night for

Once, just like the drunk childish baby I dream of being.

Bradford Middleton still lives in Brighton, UK but has recently landed a new job that he doesn’t hate so maybe here for a bit longer yet…  Recent poems appear in Beatnik Cowboy, River Dog Zine, Back Room Poetry ‘Rebel’ Anthology, Stink Eye Magazine and Dreich.  His most recent chapbook was published early 2023 by those fine folks at the Alien Buddha Press.  

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