Sunday, March 3, 2024

Love Me Even If I'm Disembodied By Alexis Child

Yesterday's shift still aches in my bones. 

Odium. Eyes of burning coals. And 

the blood runs cold. Seven horsemen 

thunder down the road. Burn. Covered 

in bullet holes. The ground weeps, 

corrupted lies of war. Dead but dreaming.

Give me something to believe in. Hope? 

Close your eyes. Breathe light. Awake

But awakened. They take back the night. 

You were only dreaming. The angels 

are in your bones. 

Panic grips your vision. Like a whiplash child, 

with each different cry, can you tell me who 

the villain is with each ring of the phone? Look 

away. We came to dance for the Divine, 

a second time with a different rhyme. 

Love doesn't die and God uses distress to open 

our eyes. I ride with the reigns of demons. I am 

every cradle that rocked, every bow that breaks. 

I'm delightfully mad. Your finger is on my trigger. 

Our wings have grown but, only birds fly free.

And I don't even know how the world works. 

Stretched out past eternity, far beyond 

my madness, Or silly egos. God is calling. 

The ocean is in my breath. Doesn't matter 

what they say. All the fake affinity and flowers 

they never sent. The joke is always the same. 

And you always forget my name. The colors 

spin skin to skin.  

Fools by invitation. My tainted soul is shining 

through. All poems are ghosts. With each 

false promise I am taught to stand on my own 

two feet. I grieve for myself. In this blue dementia

against the end of days, those liars show me 

I must swing higher. The walls in this house 

are like bars on a cage. Doesn't matter what

they say. 

You once told me, to save myself from 

the world from all its wars, to first save 

myself from all the wars I put myself through. 

Hope, Faith, Strength? Conditions may arise. 

Community of ridicule. Is there some relief?

A brand new dress? A thicker skin? God's Got 

This. I give it to him but things are looking grim. 

My mind leaves my body behind, I have 

daydreams in my nightmares. A spectral 

symphony of screams.

Spirits follow me everywhere I go. They love me. 

I am touched by the hand of fate. Or slightly 

psychotic? Like all the ghosts, I will be soon 

forgotten. Love me even if I'm disembodied. 

I rip my ghost outfit. There must be hate 

in heaven too. I hate it here and I hate you too. 

My pen hates you. My PC too. State of heaven 

is just air. I swear. Demons can't dance 

from this darkness you make. I feel like a ghost 

from the moment I am lost. Psyche Killer. 

Red Flag. Momma can you save me? 

You break my things when you touch them 

and you break me. You let me down 

when you're around. In your makeshift car, 

you are as deadly as a weapon. A great 

invention. A prosecutor. A clown passing 

counterfeit money at the carnival. The very 

center of my existence. A needle in the eye 

of the moon. Someone to vent to. A joke. 

May God have mercy on your soul. 

You are an undead monstrosity. But I still 

appreciate you. The shape of your eyes goes

round my heart. Can the devil even love? 

The devil is a woman. Beware her smile. 

Alexis Child hails from Toronto, Canada; home to dreams and nightmares. Besides having rare mystical experiences she hopes are not just short circuits in the brain, she offers Tarot Readings and writes dark poetry and fiction, starving in the garret with her muse. A starving child is a frightful sight. A starving vampire is even worse. Please donate non-perishable food items and B-negative blood (and make it a double!).

Alexis’ poetry and fiction has been featured in numerous online and print publications. Her debut poetry collection, Devil in the Clock, is available on Amazon. Her third collection of poetry, Exquisite Corpse, is set to be released in the future.

Please visit Alexis’ YouTube Channel: 

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