Friday, April 5, 2024

Gentrification By Doug Holder

Maybe not seeing the sun's

rise and fall 

because of the damning exclamation points

of concrete towers

is not important.

The world should

have a dark predator's

shark's grin.

Everything is a flash

in the proverbial pan

after all.

Wipe away the old brick

and cobblestone

the sawdust from the wooden

floors from the corner pub.

Let the battalions

of bull dozers

and Mack trucks

wipe the slate clean.

Look out of your

luxury condo

to the asphalt Alzheimer's

of a parking lot.


There is not one errant stain

on your stainless steel



Doug Holder is the co-president of the New England Poetry Club. His work has appeared in Rattle, Cafe Review, Lilipoh, Worcester Review, Soul-Lit and elsewhere.... For over 30 years he ran poetry groups at McLean Hospital (outside of Boston)-- for psychiatric patients. He is the founder of the Ibbetson Street Press.


Co-President of the New England Poetry Club

Boston Area Small Press and Poetry Scene

Ibbetson Street Press

Poet to Poet/Writer to Writer

Doug Holder CV

Doug Holder's Columns in The Somerville Times

Doug Holder's collection at the Internet Archive



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