Thursday, September 19, 2024

DRIFTING UP By Roger Singer

while walking

in the dark

inhaling the

aroma of night

I threw a few words

into the sky


a collection of

dust particles

vapors and thoughts


my imperfections

of everything

and nothing


watching them

drift up

and disappear 

Dr. Singer has had over 1,200 poems published on the internet, magazines and in books and is a Pushcart Award Nominee.  Some of the magazines that have accepted his poems for publication are:  Westward Quarterly, Jerry Jazz, SP Quill, Avocet, Underground Voices, Outlaw Poetry, Literary Fever, Dance of my Hands, Language & Culture, The Stray Branch, Tipton Poetry Indigo Rising, Down in the Dirt, Fullosia Press, Orbis, Penwood Review, Subtle Tea, Ambassador Poetry Award, Massachusetts State Poetry Society.  Louisiana State Poetry Society Award.  Readers Award Orbis Magazine 2019.  Arizona State Poetry Award 2020.
Mad Swirl Anthology 2018, 2019.

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