Friday, October 18, 2024

Happy Didn’t Pay His Bar Tab By Wayne Russell

Happy didn’t pay his bar tab at the huge disco tech in Spain,

The BMC was run by the British and the two Scottish ladies

insisted that they pick up his night of drunken debauchery.

Happy and his two new friends were seated at a booth, while

the music pulsated all around them, they spoke fondly of home,

but admired the incredible night life and the warmth of Spain.

They nibbled on fish and chips topped with vinegar, copious 

amounts of alcohol were consumed; Happy excused himself

for a run to the loo, he got sidetracked and befriended a woman

of Indian decent, she resided in Sweden; Happy was smitten;

the two Scottish women carried on the night without him; as 

if they never had even met.   

Wayne Russell is a creative jack of all trades, master of none. Poet, singer, artist, rhythm guitarist, photographer, and author of the poetry books “Splinter of the Moon” and "Waves of Lucidity", both published via Silver Bow Publishing, they are both available for purchase on Amazon in paperback and digital formats such as Ingram Distribution at your local library.



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