Monday, February 10, 2025

Crazy Train By Shannon O’Connor

I found myself on a crazy train –

I was surrounded on all sides by insane people,

one guy having a convo by himself, arguing about the contents

of his bag, scratching his arms and legs,

another asleep

with a blanket spread across four seats,

Two people talking about how much they loved drugs,

All during rush hour

How did I get on this crazy train?

Was it payback from when I used to drive that train?

The time I ran through Park Street Station screaming

for the Taco Bell on the moon, jumping and shrieking

because I believed God spoke to me?

Or the times I would wear a hat inside out,

talking to my imaginary friends,

until I got to my stop, and pretended I was sane?

I looked up Crazy Train

I knew it had to be a thing

It’s a song by Ozzy Osbourne

I was never a fan, not into metal,

but I knew the song,

from deep inside my psyche,

I lived on the Crazy Train

All those people that day,

They surrounded me,

All nuts like I used to be,

I wanted to yell at them to go to the doctor and get their meds,

I know it’s not easy,

But for the Grace of God, I have a job

with health insurance that allows me


I work in Psychiatry –

but if I didn’t, I would be just another passenger

on the Crazy Train,

another lunatic

with no brain,

not anymore, not me,

last stop, get off the Train,

go home, take my pills, go to sleep,

dreaming of mountains and trees,

and a broken-down Orange Line,

call an Uber it’s faster, I’ll be alone,


instead of on the Crazy Train


by people who are the way

I used to be.

Shannon O'Connor has an MFA in Writing and Literature from Bennington College. She has been published in Oddball Magazine, Wordgathering, 365 Tomorrows, and others. She is the chairperson of the Boston Chapter of the National Writers Union. She lives in the Boston area, and writes around working remotely. 

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