Friday, May 18, 2018

Nihilism Is Lit But It Can Wait. By Sudeep Adhikari

Am i a nihilist, and also
an annihilationist
to believe that
any empty glass is the fullest
thing you can imagine?

you can always fill it
with a good beer
and i am instantly
a romantic, a futurist,

an optimist,
a retired existentialist,

and most probably
a member of the
square-earth society too. 

Sudeep Adhikari is a structural engineer/Lecturer from
Kathmandu, Nepal.  His recent publications were with Beatnik Cowboys,
Chiron Review, The Ekphrastic Review, Midnight Lane Boutique, Occulum,
Silver Birch Press, Eunoia Review, Utt Poetry and Spilling Cocoa over
Martin Amis. Also a Pushcart Prize nominee for the year 2018, Sudeep
is currently working on his 4th poetry-book “Hyper-Real Reboots”,
which is scheduled for publication in September 2018 through Weasel
Press, Texas, USA. 

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