Sunday, June 24, 2018

Dry wells. by Tony Pena

A ghost staggering
through the dusty
streets at dawn
after the arsonists
took a match
to a once
beautiful world.
Only a drop left
in the canteen
of the saliva
we swapped
at Millie’s during
last call when our
tongues tangled
as “Free Bird”
rattled the jukebox .

My blood no longer
lit up with the wild
pink of your spirit
which careened
throughout my body
the night before
like a pinball
racking up points
at the eternal arcade.
But the persuasion
of your passion
has tilted and wilted
in the unforgiving heat
of hell on earth brought
on by the last swig you took
of Elmer Gantry’s Kool aid .

Tony Pena was selected as 2017-2018 Poet Laureate for the city of Beacon, New York.  

A new volume of poetry and flash fiction, "Blood and Beats and Rock n Roll," is available now at Amazon.  

He also has a self published chapbook, "Opening night in Gehenna."  

His publication credits include “Chronogram,”  "Dogzplot,"   "Gutter Eloquence," “Hudson Valley Transmitter,” "Red Fez," "Slipstream,"  "Underground Voices," "Zygote in my Coffee,"  and others.

Colorful compositions and caterwauling with a couple of chords can be seen at:

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