Sunday, October 14, 2018

THE THING. by Jay Passer

I feel it through the wraiths
dispelled by my propensity
for violence,
the rough terrain of redwood columns
and the ferns, the fluorescent
moss scrambling best as it can,
in slow motion.

You know the drill,
in maximum contrast,
some film project spasm of life, anything
relevant other than actual

There it was
about to escape, the gist of it,
the Hymn, the
bent guitar string, the fascination
of plugging tactical devices into
wiggling or soaring.

I had it, on the tip of my tongue.
The hypothesis, satirical: spat out,
crawling away,
a drone honeybee outed from the maw of chaos.
To be sure, it melted quickly

Jay Passer's work has appeared in print and online since 1988. He is the author of several chapbooks and has appeared in a bunch of anthologies. His latest collection, they lied to me when they said everything would be alright, from Pski's Porch, is available at Amazon. Passer lives and works in San Francisco, the city of his birth.

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