Saturday, November 3, 2018

‘’A Poet on Tap’’ by Antony King

There’s a guy I know
He comes in here every day…
He orders the same beer. and sits on the same stool.
You know, the kind of guy that thinks,
Everyone should hear what he has to say.
His philosophies on life…
Along with his ideas on how to fix the world.
Yeah… Ideas.
I think he’s full of shit myself.
He talks, and talks…
But, no one really listens.
At least we try not to.
We’re here to drink beer!
And complain about our problems,
An occasional pull tab…
While waiting on the house burger.
We don’t come to listen to his bullshit.
We joke and talk about the pretty blonde
Running from her problems…
Ending up in here with the rest of us boozers…
Christ… that was six months ago.
‘’What a looker!’’
We’re still talking about her.
But… who the hell wouldn’t.
I come to smoke, laugh, and drink booze!
Not for philosophies on tap…
From that drunken old fool.


Antony King is a writer/ poet from Eastern Kentucky. Antony spent his formal years in Cleveland Ohio where he underwent private instruction in The Arts, Music, and Literature. His love of the classics guided him to poetry and fueled his passion for writing. After art school, Antony spent 23 years in the world of advertising, and design. He began honing his skills both as a writer, and an artist. He has been fortunate to have his works published in several journals, and contributes to his local, as well as online poetry groups.

1 comment:

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