Monday, February 11, 2019

If I were a Shadow by Devika Mathur

Through the slices of segmented desire
Where the circumference of my peevish skin expands,
I inhale into the tiny molecules that flourish these numb walls,
Mending a crack,
With a mist of romance,
A point of lust, a point of a dainty smell of you.
I walk through the ruptures of placid walls enunciating your presence,
And I peel the rim of this cucumber time zone
Where my legs fall in the abyss of surreal moments of you,
Like clicking of needles, rainwater puddle upon my iris,
Now beaming
As if I were a shadow of your dream.
A dream worth swallowing the darkness,
Just to produce the moon's composure, a debonair companion.

Devika Mathur is a published poetess from the country of love, India. She writes for her own blog
Her work has been published in Madswirl, Visual Verse, Subterranean blue poetry, two drops of ink among various others.

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