Monday, February 11, 2019

In The State Hospital. by Norman J. Olson

the gray rug screams at shadows
and the florescent lights piss
on cubicle walls. one patient
another in the ass,
so we write a report.  one patient
tore his testicles off
we write another report.  the grim
reaper walks through windows
disguised as
the civil servants type and pull the bureaucratic
strings but nothing much happens
fingers click clacking keys
lobster claws type
at computer
keyboards.  lost in the
mauve and electric blue glow of
the screen,
half blind
and so radioactive
that they glow, imaginary monsters
lick their purple lips

 nothing much happens

Born in 1948, Norman J. Olson is a small press poet and artist from Maplewood, Minnesota.  He has published hundreds of poems and artworks in 15 countries and all over the USA. His web site is:

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