Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Categorizing Guilt by Jim Bourey

I marked an ad from Jews for Jesus as irrelevant,
blocked their messages. Guilt snuck up on me
later in the day for making that not-so-hard choice.

To those demi-Jews my disregard is an insult,
surely. I have no idea what Jesus is thinking
as we haven’t talked in a long, long time.

He’s a Jew. Or was if religions aren’t hauled
into the afterlife. If he is in the afterlife. So far
the evidence on that is all hearsay and speculative

literature. Convincing literature to some. So, what
is the nature of my guilt? Is it a theological matter?
Is it remorse for an insult? No, I think it is merely
the sad fact that I waste so much time on Facebook.

Jim Bourey is an old poet who divides his year between the Adirondack Mountains and Dover, Delaware. His chapbook “Silence, Interrupted” was published in 2015 by the Broadkill River Press. His work has appeared in Mojave River Review, Paddock Review, Gargoyle and the Broadkill Review and other journals and anthologies. He was first runner up in the Faulkner-Wisdom Poetry Competition in 2012 and 2016. He has served as an adjudicator for the Poetry Out Loud competition in Delaware. In his North Country months, he is active with the St. Lawrence Area Poets and has taken part in Art/Poetry projects in Saranac Lake.

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