Tuesday, March 5, 2019

T a n d o o r i . by Gwil James Thomas

every Sunday evening
at The Tandoori was
The Buffet Bonanza -
I’d go there every other week,
wandering in to the rich and spicy
aromas as I’d take a seat
with all the other Bristol rejects -
from Big Jon who’d stagger into
the eatery after his boozy
Sunday session
and routinely put the toilet
out of action,
to Tracy from the corner shop and
her mysterious silent and suited lover,
as I’d go back and forth to the buffet
always leaving the spiciest curry to last –
so that I’d be forced out of the front door,
gasping for fresh air and bed -
with my mind momentarily
taken off the working week ahead.

And never was five quid
on a weekend ever
more beneficial.

“Gwil James Thomas is a poet, novelist and inept musician originally from Bristol, England. His poetry and prose has recently been featured in Paper & Ink, Razur Cuts, Glove Zine and online at Albany Poets, The Beatnik Cowboy and here. His fourth poetry chapbook Writing Beer, Drinking Poetry will be published by Concrete Meat Press later this year. He currently lives in San Sebastián, Northern Spain.

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