Saturday, July 6, 2019

Back Against the Wall. By Jon Bennett

When it’s warm
Steel Reserve malt liquor
is undrinkable
but then
it’s undrinkable cold, too
Tom took a great swallow
The letter was on the nightstand
“7 years...” he belched,
“and 3 months sober.”
The SRO room was
small and run down
but it was permanent
at least he thought so
until that letter
‘...reevaluation of claimant...
substantial gainful employment...’
It would mean
men in suits
and the courthouse
and maybe even
the roof over his head
He took a great swallow
and leaned
back against the wall.

Cover art 'Man on the Bag' by Michelle Monreal").

Jon Bennett writes and plays music in San Francisco's Tenderloin neighborhood.  You can find more of his work on Pandora and Spotify or by connecting with him on Facebook at

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