Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Unworthy Disciple. By Giovanni Mangiante

I watched a Bukowski movie called “Barfly”.
The next thing I know is:
I was at a liquor store buying two bottles of whiskey,
a pack of cigarettes, and some beer.
I went home and called a hooker who arrived late;
half-drunk already I tried explaining to her:
“Listen, we are together now. This is the way life goes, okay?”
She looked at me
took a cigarette
told me to go to bed, and get comfortable.

I woke up on the floor the next day,
alone, still clothed, hungover, and with no wallet.
My personal documents were scattered all around the floor.
I stood up, went to the kitchen to get some water
and saw that my microwave was missing.
“You were supposed to take my poems” I muttered 
“Not my goddamn microwave”

And I thought then if there were any Benedetti movies
I could watch that night.

Giovanni Mangiante, born on March 17th , 1996, is a bi-lingual writer from Lima, Peru.  He has work published in The Anti-Languorous Project, Dream Noir and has upcoming poems in Down in the Dirt. 
He used to be an EFL teacher, but now he focuses only on writing poetry, flash fiction, music, and petting his dog Lucy. In writing he found a way to cope with Borderline Personality Disorder.

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