Wednesday, February 26, 2020

After Dinner. By Mickey J.Corrigan

Let's go for a drive.
Clear the air
let it blow hard
through your hollow skull
the car streaming blackness
a dark bullet
and me
the gun. I will
cock it,
fire again.
Does it hurt you
more than it hurts
Shove that feeling
like a switchblade
in the soft center
of your brain. 

Dig deep.

are on me.

Originally from Boston, Mickey J.Corrigan writes Florida noir with a dark humor. Project XX, a satirical novel about a school shooting, was released in 2017 by Salt Publishing in the UK. Newest release is What I Did for Love, a spoof of Lolita (Bloodhound Books, 2019). Kelsay Books recently published the poetry chapbook the disappearing self. Visit at

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