Friday, June 12, 2020

Double Take by Tony Pena

I’m not one
to experiment
in better living
through chemistry
but whether it be
a kiss, a beer, a thought,
or the hibachi chicken
at the Chinese buffet,
I live in seconds,
chasing my tail
trying to find once
more the magic
of what hit the senses
just right that first time.

Tony Pena was selected as 2017-2018 Poet Laureate for the city of Beacon, New York.  
A new volume of poetry and flash fiction, "Blood and Beats and Rock n Roll," is available now at Amazon.  He also has a self published chapbook, "Opening night in Gehenna."  His publication credits include “Chronogram,”  "Dogzplot,"   "Gutter Eloquence," “Hudson Valley Transmitter,” "Red Fez," "Slipstream,"  "Underground Voices," "Zygote in my Coffee,"  and others. 

Colorful compositions and caterwauling with a couple of chords can be seen at:

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