Friday, January 15, 2021

Fed With Lies by Luis Cuauhtemoc Berriozabal

Blinded to what they
do not want to see,
seeing what is not
really there, who knows
what is real and what
is make-believe?
These are the times
we are living in.
The gullible are
feed with lies. They love
the taste of horseshit.
It’s their candy.
Raised on hate, they see
things only one way.
There is no changing
their minds. Do not think
about changing their
hearts. It’s too late.
Conspiracy theories
are served on their plates.
They eat up and are
filled up on lies which
to them are gospel.
How they love their
faux king, who has no
loyalty but to
his own self-interest.
Like a wounded dog,
he fights to the end.
My apologies to dogs.

Luis was born in Mexico, lives in California, and works in the mental health field in Los Angeles, CA. His poems have appeared in Ariel Chart, Beatnik Cowboy, Dope Fiend Daily, Unlikely Stories, and Zygote In My Coffee.

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