Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Good News by Dan Holt

He used to work
all night
in a rubber factory
making parts
for General Motors
After they laid him off
he spent most days
at the third shift bars
bumming drinks
from daytime hookers

He had three fingers
on his right hand
and he’d shout
gimme a high five
to anyone who would listen
and laugh so hard
he’d just about
cough up a lung

That was before
he took the cure
That was before

After that
he’d just ask
if we’d heard
the good news
and tell the whores
that they were blessed

Dan Holt is blues singer/songwriter/recording artist, poet and fiction author from a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio. He has produced 11 albums of original music along with various singles and eps. Like most writers, his work has been published in various online and print journals. After many years away from the poetry scene, Dan has returned to writing poetry in 2021.

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