Monday, October 4, 2021

Access Denied By John Patrick Robbins


There will always be an end to all things creative.

Art like anything must die to truly be appreciated. 

To create we must accept this truth.

Storms pass as do seasons, take the good with the bad.

Comb the beaches sift through the wreckage.

Skeletons are but once living monuments.

I never bank on eternity, I simply sail into life's sunset.

Blind like all the rest.

John Patrick Robbins, is the editor in chief of The Rye Whiskey Review, The Black Shamrock Magazine and Under The Bleachers. 

His work has been published in Punk Noir Magazine, Horror Sleaze Trash, Fearless Poetry Zine, Lothlorien Poetry Journal, Fixator Press, Schlock Magazine, Piker Press,The Dope Fiend Daily and Medusa's Kitchen.

His work is always unfiltered.


  1. Sobering, yet sublime in its clear vision "Cheers"

  2. Creativity Is Definitely A Beautiful Gift....Yet It Can Be A Curse... Rejection.. Criticism.. Painful side effects of sharing... one's talent..


Extremism By John Drudge

It’s just another drunk  At the bar  Running his mouth too loud  Spitting on the counter  Waving his fists at ghosts  It always starts with ...