Wednesday, October 6, 2021

homemade razor blades by Kaci Skiles

we outgrow pain / remember 
Halloween / autumn falling in our yard / familiar / 
a black hat / a dress to match / candy corn

in cauldrons / mom and dad / the way they were /
 door to door / happy never lasting / Michael Myers ending / skeletons 
beginning / cavities beckoning /

cauldrons full of cigarettes / horror movies and Southern Comfort / 
not knowing / how 
to be mom and dad but trying / homemade razor blades

Kaci Skiles Laws is a closet cat-lady and creative writer who reads and writes voraciously in the quiet moments between motherhood and managing Crohn's Disease. She grew up on a small farm in a Texas town alongside many furry friends, two sisters, and a brother. She has known tragic loss too well, and her writing is a reflection of the shadows lurking in her psyche. Her work can be viewed at:

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