Wednesday, December 1, 2021

A Cathartic Drive? By Dan Provost

 Creases the forehead a bit.

 Snow dribbled radiation drives
to St. Johnsbury, Vermont.
Odd, different hurt—internal biases
while some Science Fiction machine
shoots Minitour rays around my
portly, unkempt body.
Fifteen minutes of treatment…
Three hours of a sore ass and
used coffee cups flinging around
every swivel of Route 108.
My collection of CD’s, music
to inquire about the sacred.
Chris Cornell did fall on
Black Days,
but haven’t
we all?
Ronnie’s Cry for the
Badman remains
relevant today
Need I give examples?
Drive By Truckers, Daddy
Needs a Drink—but that
was a lifetime ago.
Frail walk into the house, pet
the dog—wait for the wife…
Wonder if “Could this be
my fate,
is a Soundgarden lyric that
pertains to me.

Dan Provost's poetry has been published throughout the small press for a number of years.  Some recent publications include: Ariel Chart, Poetical Review, Merak Magazine, Oddball Magazine, Deuce Coupe, Misfit Magazine, the Rye Whiskey Review, Cajun Mutt Press and the Dope Fiend Daily.  He has two books coming out in 2020.  Under the Influence of Nothingness by Kung Fu Treachery Press and Rattle of a Realizer, published by Whiskey City Press.  He lives in Berlin, New Hampshire with his wife Laura and dog Bella.


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