Thursday, May 5, 2022

 I Will Buy You A Wig By John Patrick Robbins


And pretend you're somebody new, as I am too narcissistic to make believe about myself.

We can ride around and take in the nonexistent sights.

We can grab a back booth and act like it's something secret on the side.

Screw in the parking lot and pretend it's love like we do in our so-called real life.

And we can discover it's always the same by Sunday. 

No matter our best efforts and sign the papers on a Monday with sympathetic tears and a mutual understanding.

Return to our lives before we met, and pretend we don't miss one another when the nights get cold.

Acting was always meant for the stage or silver screen.

Never the whispers of shared lovers and soon to be broken souls.

You can buy a quick fix, but in life there will never be such a thing as a surefire solution.

John Patrick Robbins is the editor in chief of the Whiskey and Black Shamrock Magazine.

His work has been published at Sava Press, Fearless Poetry Zine, Piker Press, San Pedro River Review l, Schlock Magazine,Fixator Press, Lothlorien Poetry Journal and the Dope Fiend Daily. He also a book out with Between Shadows Press Rave Reviews To Killer Feedback.

His work is always unfiltered.

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