Sunday, June 12, 2022

Liquid Evening by Gail Constable

The night did not start
Well with bickering on
The phone, smoothed
Over by two drinks at
One establishment
Before moving on to
The plain wooden
Doors of Angels' Bar 
She ordered drinks as
He headed to the
Facilities to avoid
Paying, an evening of
Shared memories until
The rocking music from
The jukebox became a
Game of name that
Tune, drinks flowed
Throughout ensuring
The time there would
Be a blur, mumbling
Goodbyes, they
Grabbed a cab to her
Place, where talk was
Declining until she
Turned on the tv and
News of war had him
Crying tears on her
Shoulder as his terrors
Leaked out, stories
She'd heard a dozen 
Times but ones that cut
Him open like bullets,
Sunrise urged them
To sleep in each other's
Arms, overserved, yes,
But sometimes broken
People needed the
Comforting flow to
Bring them closer and
While they might not
Remember it, they 
Would be back again
When they wanted a
Night to forget.

Gail Constable is a published poet, mother, grandmother and friend. Her second love is singing so she can be found weekly at her hole in the wall bar belting out tunes. Gail currently resides on beautiful Cape Breton Island in Canada.

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