Thursday, June 23, 2022

Nobody is Legit by Mark James Andrews

I down shift my Dodge to help out 
the brakes & it almost worked 
but my grinding bomb plows 
another beater stopped at the red 
on 8 Mile Road at Mound Road 
a minor cave-in but the trunk pops open
on the crap looking Ford I rear ended 
showing shiny black garbage bags 
so I struggle to get mine into reverse
the clutch another source of grinding
as my grill avalanches to the pavement
then I pull off to the right but a huge
hand out the window waves me
forward so I pull up close 
all windows down in both our cars
two guys looking to read my eyes
one goes “You good?” & I nod 
“Fuck it then!” he screams 
& they peel off with lights out.
We all know nobody is legit 
no proof of no-fault insurance 
possible outstanding warrants
or felonies in progress
in the wee small hours
on the borderline crossroads
past the Railroad Crossing Bar
just down from Kwicky Bar 
Alibi Bar & the Golden Greek 
all the hang out joints for a hive 
of Chrysler plants & a hot spot 
for traffic stops which lead to 
1,001 ways to send you to hell
& a lifetime of the long dick of the law. 

Mark James Andrews is a Metro Detroit poet who has worked a checkered career as a gravedigger, inspector at a defunct auto plant, jail librarian and library director. He is the author of So I Lit A Fire for The Last Thanksgiving (Alien Buddha Press), Motor City is Burning & Other Rock & Roll Poems (Gimmick Press), Compendium 20/20 (Deadly Chaps Press), Burning Trash (Pudding House Press) and a poetry recording Brylcreem Sandwich Band (Bandcamp).

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