Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Sports Talk with the Fall of Democracy by Chad Parenteau

Boston Herald said
while Democracy strained
game four down

the Celtics fans that night
had paid
two thousand apiece

just to yell out
fuck you Draymond

while capitalists
over cost 

crying over gas
from wokeness

while incidentally 
off front and
back page

footage unreported
that showed
Democracy falling

Chad Parenteau hosts Boston's long-running Stone Soup Poetry series. His poetry has appeared in journals such as RĂ©sonancee, Molecule, Ibbetson Street, Pocket Lint, Cape Cod Poetry Review, Tell-Tale Inklings, The New Verse News, Off The Coast, The Skinny Poetry Journal, Nixes Mate Review and the anthology Reimagine America from Vagabond Books. He serves as Associate Editor of the online journal Oddball Magazine. His second collection, The Collapsed Bookshelf, was nominated for a Massachusetts Book Award. "This WCW take came from picking up a Boston Herald the morning after the January 6th committee testimonies aired and finding absolutely zero coverage of it. Fox News isn't the only enemy."

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