Monday, October 31, 2022

A Crow, a Stag and a Biscuit by Jason Ryberg

of Crow
and a pull
of Stag after a
long day of hot coffee, hot wind
and nothing but a cold biscuit to act as ballast
is about as close to a supernatural /
     quasi-religious experience
as I generally get these days, and I’m grateful
for it and all, but sometimes I
have to wonder if
my standards
might not
the last
couple years.

Jason Ryberg is the author of eighteen books of poetry,
six screenplays, a few short stories, a box full of folders,
notebooks and scraps of paper that could one day be 
(loosely) construed as a novel, and, a couple of angry 
letters to various magazine and newspaper editors. 
He is currently an artist-in-residence at both 
The Prospero Institute of Disquieted P/o/e/t/i/c/s 
and the Osage Arts Community, and is an editor 
and designer at Spartan Books. His latest collection 
of poems is The Great American Pyramid Scheme 
(co-authored with W.E. Leathem, Tim Tarkelly and 
Mack Thorn, OAC Books, 2022). He lives part-time 
in Kansas City, MO with a rooster named Little Red 
and a billygoat named Giuseppe and part-time somewhere 
in the Ozarks, near the Gasconade River, where there are also 
many strange and wonderful woodland critters

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