Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Beer Bier By Terrence Sykes

back in the day
in my hometown
you could buy beer
with your food stamps
drink your meal

sounds absurd but
a cool one’s got to be
more healthy
than some alternatives
say...Kraft cheese slices
Cheetos cheese puffs
or a chunk of plastic

of course you could
only buy 3.2 percent
suppose the uptight
self righteous ones
impeded the poor souls
from proper nutrition
by blocking 6.0 ale
in the name of religion

so I could never enjoy
one of those foreign brews
left dreaming of a chicken
wing & a prayer

Terrence Sykes is a GASP Gay Alcoholic Southern Poet & was born and raised in the rural coal mining area of Virginia.  Although he is a far better cook &  gardener – his  poetry - photography - flash fiction has been published in India, Mauritius,Scotland, Spain and the USA. ..Other interests include heirloom vegetable research & foraging wild edibles.

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